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Core Data Model

This is a list of data structures that A11yJSON specifies.

They are meant to be interfaces in the software development sense: This means you can either use them as they are, or mix them into your own model.


Describes the physical (and sometimes human rated) accessibility of a place.


Ambient noise level in dB(A) relative to a reference pressure of 0.00002 Pa. Median over a 10-second period at least.


Object describing the owner's policy regarding visitors bringing animals with them.


Describes how you can get an appointment for this place, or if you need one.

availableEquipmentundefined | EquipmentProperties[]

Information about the place's equipment.

Use this property for equipment that does not need to be locatable in a specific geolocation, but belongs to a place.

desksundefined | Desk[]

Describes the accessibility of desks in the place. null indicates there are no desks, undefined or missing property indicates unknown.

entrancesundefined | Entrance[]

Describes the accessibility of entrances to the place.


Determines if there is air conditioning installed and actively used.


Determines if there is background music playing.


true if there is braille navigation for/to this place, false if not.


true if the venue has induction loops installed in its functional units where this is relevant.


true if the venue has a designated low-stimulus room or environment, false if not. Can help with hypersensitivity to sensory input.


true if the venue has a patient lifter (MedTech) installed, false if not..


Determines if there is sound absorption installed.


true if the venue has tactile guide strips on the floor or at the walls, false if not. undefined or missing property indicates unknown.


true if there is tactile navigation for/to this place, false if not.

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

arrive book buy change checkIn checkOut eat explore getDrinks getFood getService getTreatment listen main order orderAnnouncement pay pickUpOrder play read rent roam see sell use useLockers useService visit watch watchMovies watchPlays workHere

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


Determines if the venue is quiet (subjectively, by the assessor). If possible, use the ambientNoiseLevel property instead.


Determines if the venue is well lit (subjectively, by the assessor). Will be replaced by a measurable lumen value in the future.

mediaundefined | Media[]

Information about media. null indicates there is no media, undefined or missing property indicates unknown.


true for healthcare providers that offer that wheelchair users do not have to leave their wheelchair for treatment, false if this is not possible.

parkingundefined | Parking

Information about parking facilities at/around the venue. null indicates there is no parking, undefined or missing property indicates unknown.

pathwaysundefined | Pathways

Describes the accessibility of pathways to the place or inside the place’s boundaries (mixed)

pathwaysFromEntranceundefined | Pathways

For places inside other places (e.g. a room inside a building).

Describes the accessibility of pathways to the place. If an extra accessible entrance exists, describe pathways from there to this place.

pathwaysInsideundefined | Pathways

Describes the accessibility of pathways to the place or inside the place’s boundaries (mixed)

paymentundefined | Payment

Information about payment at the place. null indicates there is no payment possible/required, undefined or missing property indicates unknown.

queueSystemundefined | QueueSystem

Information about the place's queue system.

restroomsundefined | Restroom[]

Describes the accessibility of restrooms that belong to the place.

roomsundefined | Room[]

Describes the accessibility of rooms that belong to the place.


Describes local signage systems. If multiple different systems are used, describe them all.

smokingPolicyOne of the following strings:

allowedEverywhere dedicatedToSmoking inIsolatedArea inSeparateArea onlyOutside prohibited

Object describing the owner's smoking policy.

staffundefined | Staff

Information about the service staff. null indicates there is no staff, undefined or missing property indicates unknown.

surfaceundefined | Surface

Object describing the place's ground condition. If there are very different ground conditions, you can create multiple places and nest them.

tablesundefined | Desk[]

Information about tables (for example in a restaurant). null indicates there are no tables, undefined or missing property indicates unknown.

wheelchairAccessibilityGradeOne of the following strings:

fully not partially

Describes the general wheelchair accessibility of the place. This is a human-rated value.

wheelchairPlacesundefined | WheelchairPlaces

Information about wheelchair places. null indicates there are no places, undefined or missing property indicates unknown.


Describes the Wifi availability and accessibility at the place.


Describes necessary abilities and modes inputting information.

accessArray of one or more of these strings:

customers delivery designated disabled emergency employees no permissive permit private public residents yes

Who has access to this action?


Force needed for the described input method.


Time interval needed for activation/engagement.


The input API documentation URL.


Attention time needed for activation/engagement.


A supported body height.


A supported body weight.

brailleKeyboardOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to write textual content with a braille keyboard is supported or needed.

brailleTextOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to read braille is supported or needed.


There is a burn hazard.

cableOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

A cable is supported or needed.

capacitiveOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The action uses a capacity sensor, for example a touch sensor.

carryWeightOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to carry a weight is supported or needed.

clapOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

Clapping your hands is supported or needed.

clickOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to click a button with a finger is supported or needed.


Describes the output as human-readable text.

directionOne of the following strings:

backward clockwise counterclockwise down forward left right up

The direction of the action, relative to the body.

directionAxisOne of the following strings:

axial coronal sagittal

The direction axis of the action, relative to the body.

doubleClickOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to click a button with a finger is supported or needed.

dragOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to drag an object is supported or needed.

dragAndDropGestureOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to do a virtual drag-and-drop finger/mouse gesture is supported or needed.


Education level needed to understand the action.

  • early childhood education (level 0)
  • primary education (level 1)
  • lower secondary education (level 2)
  • upper secondary education (level 3)
  • postsecondary non-tertiary education (level 4)
  • short-cycle tertiary education (level 5)
  • bachelor’s or equivalent level (level 6)
  • master’s or equivalent level (level 7)
  • doctor or equivalent level (level 8).
eyeTrackerOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use an eye tracker is supported or needed.

faceRecognitionOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The input uses face recognition.


How is feedback given for an input?

fingerprintScanOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The input uses a fingerprint scanner.

handwritingOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to write textual content by hand is supported or needed.

hapticOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

Haptic input is supported or needed.

headPointerOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a head pointer is supported or needed.

headphoneOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

Headphones are supported or needed.


The input has high contrast elements, for example around buttons.


URL describing how to use the input mechanism.

irisScanOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The input uses an iris scanner.


true if the item is easy to find, false if people might face difficulties trying to find the item, or undefined if this is unknown or irrelevant.


true if the input is easy to understand, false if people might face difficulties trying to understand how the input works, or undefined if this is unknown or irrelevant.

joystickOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a joystick is supported or needed.

keyboardOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to write textual content by typing on a keyboard is supported or needed.

keypadOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to write numbers by typing on a keypad is supported or needed.

knobOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The action uses a knob.


The input has a knurled surface, for example around buttons.


Input languages supported.

leftHandedOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

You can or must give input with your left hand.

lickOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to lick an object with your tongue is supported or needed (e.g. a lollipop)

morseCodeOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

Morse code input is supported or needed.

mouseOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a mouse is supported or needed.

moveOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to move an object is supported or needed.


Describes which output is meant. Helpful if there are multiple outputs.


Height you need to be able to climb over (for obstacles)


How tall do you have to be to perceive the content/output/signal.


The height you need to grip to perceive the content/output/signal.


true if the action is optional, false if it is required.

paperOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

Handling paper is supported or needed.

pedalOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a pedal is supported or needed.

photoOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The input makes a photo.

pinchOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to pinch an object is supported or needed.

pinchFingerGestureOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a pinch finger gesture is supported or needed.

pressOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to apply force to an object is supported or needed.

pullSwitchOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a pull switch is supported or needed.

pullstringOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a pullstring is supported or needed.

pushButtonOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a push button is supported or needed.

pushSwitchOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a push switch is supported or needed.

qrCodeOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

A QR code is supported or needed.

raisedTextOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

true if the controls or signs have raised letters, false if not.


false if the action is optional, true if it is required.

rhythmOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use rhythm input is supported or needed.

rightHandedOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

You can or must give input with your right hand.

rotateOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to rotate an object is supported or needed.

rotateTwoFingersGestureOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a two-finger rotation gesture is supported or needed.

scratchOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to scratch is supported or needed.

screenOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

A screen is supported or needed.

signLanguageOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use sign language is supported or needed.

singleHandedOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

You can or must give input with one hand.

sipAndPuffOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a sip and puff switch is supported or needed.

smellOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to smell is supported or needed.

soundRecordingOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The input makes a sound recording.

speakOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to speak is supported or needed.

squeezeOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to squeeze an object is supported or needed.


State count for a button or switch, for example 2 for a toggle button, 3 for a 3-way button.

swipeFingerGestureOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a swipe finger gesture is supported or needed.

swipeThreeFingersGestureOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a three-finger swipe gesture is supported or needed.

swipeTwoFingersGestureOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a three-finger swipe gesture is supported or needed.

tactileOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

Tactile input is supported or needed.

tactileGuidesOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The input has tactile guides, for example around buttons.

tapOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to tap an element with a finger is supported or needed.

tearApartOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to tear something apart is supported or needed.


Technology combinations that are sufficient to make use of the output.


Technologies that are sufficient to make use of the output.

tiltOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to tilt an object is supported or needed.

tongueOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to move an object with your tongue is supported or needed.

touchOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

Touch input is supported or needed.

touchscreenOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

Touchscreen input is supported or needed.

trackballOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to use a trackball is supported or needed.

tripleClickOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to click a button with a finger is supported or needed.

turnOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to turn an object is supported or needed.

turnKnobOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to turn a knob is supported or needed.

twoHandedOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

You can or must give input with both hands.


URL where you can use the input mechanism, e.g. on your phone.

videoOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The input makes a video.

visualRecognitionOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

true if the input user interface needs or supports visual input, false if not.

voiceActivationOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

true if the control is activated by voice, false if not.

walkOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

Walking is supported or needed.

waveOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

Waving your hands is supported or needed.


A weight you need to be able to lift.

wheelOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The input features a wheel.

wirelessOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The input is wireless.



true if the place allows visitors to bring assistance dogs, false if bringing them is explicitly prohibited, undefined if the policy is unknown.


true if the place allows visitors to bring dogs in general, false if bringing them is explicitly prohibited (with exception of dogs specified by allowsGuideDogs and allowsTherapyAnimals), undefined if the policy is unknown.


true if the place allows visitors to bring guide dogs, false if bringing them is explicitly prohibited, undefined if the policy is unknown.


true if the place allows bringing any kind of animal, false or undefined if not or if there are exceptions.


true if the place denies entry to visitors bringing a dogs without muzzles, false if dogs without muzzles are explicitly allowed.


true if the place supplies water for accompanying animals, false if explicitly not, or undefined if unknown.


Mixin to link InteractionMode objects to your model.

accessArray of one or more of these strings:

customers delivery designated disabled emergency employees no permissive permit private public residents yes

Who can make this kind of appointment.


true if you need no appointment to visit the place.


The URL to a page where the appointment can be booked.


Describes this policy as text string, e.g. ‘home visits possible if you are over 60’. Use the other fields only if the described place has only one typical policy (like at a hairdresser).


If the appointment needs a specific equipment, it is described here.


The amount of money that is charged for the appointment.


true if the appointment can be at the person’s home.


true if the appointment can be made in person.

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

arrive book buy change checkIn checkOut eat explore getDrinks getFood getService getTreatment listen main order orderAnnouncement pay pickUpOrder play read rent roam see sell use useLockers useService visit watch watchMovies watchPlays workHere

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


The languages that are spoken by the person who is responsible for the appointment.


Describes limitations that apply to this policy, e.g. ‘only for people with a disability’.


true if appointments with an assistant are possible, but need to be booked separately.


Opening hours in the format described at


The payment method that is used to pay the amount of money. Use fees instead, if possible.


true if the appointment can be made by video call.


If a seat is associated with this appointment, it is described here.


How many seats are available for this appointment.


true if the appointment can be made by video call.


Describes an amount of paid money in a specific currency, per specified unit, for a specific kind of access to a service or product.

Can represent free availability, by setting amount to 0, and not defining currency.

Don't use this for very small amounts of money (like sub-cent dollar amounts) as this uses no BigDecimal arithmetic.

The amount property is required.

accessArray of one or more of these strings:

customers delivery designated disabled emergency employees no permissive permit private public residents yes

For whom is this amount of money paid?


The amount of money.


The currency in which the amount is specified, as three-letter acronym.

Can be undefined if the amount is zero.


The payment method that is used to pay the amount of money.


Unit that is paid with the amount of money, e.g. "30 minutes", "1 hour", '1 GB', '3 pieces'


Describes a desk / table / cash desk / reception counter.


How much space is there under the desk? This can be used to determine if a wheelchair user can sit at the desk.


How high is the desk? For variable-height desks, use minimalHeight and maximalHeight instead.

This can be used to determine if a wheelchair user can sit at the desk.


How much space is there below the desk? This can be used to determine if a wheelchair user can sit at the desk.

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

changeHeight checkIn checkOut close enqueue getFood getReturn getShoppingBag handover handoverLuggage lock open openAndClose pay ringBell savePreset scan selfCheckout unlock unlockAndLock

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.

intercomundefined | Intercom

Information about an intercom at this desk, if applicable.

null indicates there is no intercom.


true if the desk can be rolled under, false if not. This can be used to determine if a wheelchair user can sit at the desk.


How high is the desk maximally? This is only for variable-height desks. Use fixedHeight for fixed-height desks. This can be used to determine if a wheelchair user can sit at the desk.


How high is the desk minimally? This is only for variable-height desks. Use fixedHeight for fixed-height desks. This can be used to determine if a wheelchair user can sit at the desk.


Name of the entrance (helpful if there are multiple entrances).

paymentundefined | Payment

Information about payment at this desk.

null indicates there is no payment possible/required.


Describes an associated queue system.


How much space is there in front of the desk? This can be used to determine if a wheelchair user can sit at the desk.


How much space is there below the desk? This can be used to determine if a wheelchair user can sit at the desk.


Describes the door of a place's entrance or to one of its facilities (e.g. to a shower, or to an elevator)

accessArray of one or more of these strings:

customers delivery designated disabled emergency employees no permissive permit private public residents yes

Defines who this door is for. See for more information.


Describes the colors of the door itself, as HTML color strings. Don't include the door frame or door marking colors in this attribute, but use markingColors and doorFrameColors instead.

This can make the door easier to find.

If there are multiple colors, it might be enough to describe the most dominant one.

If there are multiple colors, but there is no predominant color, describe all of them.

This allows to determine the contrast to the wall and the door frame.

Its best to determine the color at daylight.

For glass doors, you can use 'transparent' as color.


Describes the colors of the door frame, if existent. If they are similar, describe only one color. Use HTML color strings here.

This can make the door easier to find, and allows to determine the contrast to the door and the wall.

If there are multiple colors, it might be enough to describe the most dominant one.

If there are multiple colors, but there is no predominant color, describe all of them.

Its best to determine the color at daylight.


true if the door opens to the outside, false if it opens to the inside.


Height of the door bell's top button. If there is a lowered extra door bell (often marked with a wheelchair user symbol), use the height of this one's top button.


Describes grab bars in front of the door.


true if the door is a glass door, but is marked, false if the door is an unmarked glass door, undefined if it is no glass door or the condition is unknown.


true if the door's handle is easy to use (subjectively by the assessor), false if not.


true if the door has an intercom system, false if not.


true if the door has a proximity sensor that triggers the opening mechanism, false if not.


true if the door has a switch that triggers the opening mechanism, false if not.


true if the door frame is visually contrasted to its surrounding wall, false if not.

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

close lock open openAndClose ringDoorbell unlock unlockAndLock

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


Describes the intercom system of the door.


true if the door is there, but always open, false if not.


true if the door opens automatically, false if not. The mechanism for opening the door is defined in other attributes.


true if the door is always open or automatic, false if it has to be opened manually.


true if the door is easy to hold open (subjectively by the assessor), false if not.


true if the door is a glass door, false if not.


true if the door is revolving (like a carousel), false if not.


true if the door is a sliding door, false if not.


true if the door is a turnstile, false if not.


true if the door is visually contrasted to its surrounding wall, false if not.


Describes the colors of a door marking, if existent, as HTML color strings.

This can make the door easier to find.

If there are multiple colors, it might be enough to describe the most dominant one.

If there are multiple colors, but there is no predominant color, describe all of them.

Its best to determine the color at daylight.


Describes the colors of the walls right next the door. Use HTML color strings here.

This can make the door easier to find, and allows to determine the contrast to the door frame and the door.

  • If there are multiple colors, it might be enough to describe the most dominant one.
  • If there are multiple colors, but there is no predominant color, describe all of them.

Its best to determine the color at daylight.


true if you need to ring a doorbell to pass the entrance, false if not.


true if you need a Euro key to open the door, false if it's in Europe outside UK and works without a key, undefined if it is unknown or needs a different key.


true if you need to use the intercom to pass this door, false if not.


true if you need to use a keycard to pass the entrance, false if not.


true if you need to use a key pad to pass this door, false if not.


true if you need a RADAR key to open the door, false if it's in the UK but you need no key or needs a different key.


true if the door needs pressing a switch to open, false if not.


Height of the door’s threshold / sill / step inside the door frame.


true if the threshold has rounded edges, false if not.


Turning space in front of the door.


Width of the door.


Describes an entrance to a PlaceInfo.


The physical location of the entrance in WGS84 coordinates. Currently only a GeoJSON PointGeometry is supported.



Describes an entrance to a place.

doorundefined | Door

Object that describes the entrance’s door. null if there is no door.


reference to the equipment id if this entrance is an elevator (on


true if this entrance has a fixed ramp, false if not.


true if there is a hoist / wheelchair lift, false if not.


true if there is a removable ramp, false if not. If there is a fixed ramp, this property MUST be undefined.


If this entrance is NOT the main entrance: Is this entrance connected to the main entrance, and is there signage that points to this entrance?


reference to the equipment id of the intercom of this entrance (on


true if this entrance has no steps and needs no ramp, false if there are steps or a ramp.


true if this is the main entrance, false if not.


Name of the entrance (helpful if there are multiple entrances).


true if you need an appointment to enter, false if not.


reference to the place that this entrance is connected to (on


How steep is the ground at the entrance?


Object that describes stairs that you have to take to use the entrance.


Describes a facility equipment that is part of a place, like an elevator, an escalator, or a sitemap. Can contain attributes that are realtime updated to indicate operational status.


The physical location of the place in WGS84 coordinates. Currently only a GeoJSON PointGeometry is supported.



Mixin to link InteractionMode objects to your model.


Access modes supported by this equipment.


Access mode combinations that allow understanding and using the equipment.


The accessibility controls that allow controlling this equipment.


Indicates features that allow understanding or using the equipment.


Indicates hazards that may be an obstacle to understanding or using the equipment.


Short alternative routing instructions for travelers when they cannot use this facility.

The text MUST NOT have abbreviations to be readable aloud by a screen reader or voice assistant.

Software using this attribute MUST NOT assume that the equipment is out of operation if it the attribute is defined.


Length / depth of the cabin when facing the equipment’s entrance, or undefined if the equipment has no cabin. For a hoist, this refers to the hoist platform itself.


Width of the cabin when facing the equipment’s entrance, or undefined if the equipment has no cabin. For a hoist, this refers to the hoist platform itself.

categoryOne of the following strings:

bed bodyScanner ctScanner elevator escalator flushMechanism hoist intercom luggageScanner movingWalkway mriScanner powerOutlet ramp sitemap stairLift switch ticketVendingMachine treatmentChair ultrasoundScanner vendingMachine wardrobe wheelchairLift xrayMachine

Type of the equipment or facility.


Describes where the equipment is located. If only one description string is technically possible to maintain, it MUST not contain any abbreviations to allow being readable aloud by screen readers or voice assistants.


Data source ID of a secondary source used for realtime status info on


Object describing the door to the equipment, or undefined if there is no door.


Describes the intercom system for emergency calls.


true if the equipment's height is adjustable, false if not.


true if the equipment has doors at right angles to each other.


true if the equipment has doors in two directions, so wheelchair, rollator, bike or pushchair users do not have to move backwards to exit.


For elevators. true if the elevator needs a command to be entered outside the elevator, false if not.


true if the equipment has a landing platform, false if not. Helpful for escalators.


For elevators. true if the elevator has a mirror, false if not.


true if the equipment has a visual emergency alarm, false if not (for example, inside elevators).


Height of the lowest working controls that are needed to operate this equipment. undefined if the equipment needs no controls.

ids Object with one or more of these keys:


Values must be of type string.

IDs in other data sources that are linked to this equipment, indexed by schema/context.

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

arriveAtFloor buy call callEmergency disable enable engage findYourDestination flush getTreatment handover locateYourself ride scan selectFloor sell sleep toggle travel understand use

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


true if the equipment is fully operatable for/by a person in a wheelchair, false if not. If you can, please don't use this attribute. Instead, use more specific attributes.


true if the equipment is indoors, false if it’s fully or partially outdoors.


For elevators. true if the elevator can carry a bicycle, false if not.


Live status update.

true if the equipment is in operation, false if not, or undefined if it is unknown. When reading this attribute for showing it in a user interface, the user interface MUST show the operational status as ‘unknown’ if the status could be out of date, for example if it is older than 10 minutes.

When displaying the operational status, user interfaces SHOULD show the date saved in stateLastUpdate next to the operational status additionally for transparency.


Languages of the equipment’s visible controls and/or voice output.


Contains the same information as description, but in a longer form which can be read out by a screen reader or voice assistant.

Words MUST be written out fully (e.g. ‘direction’ instead of ‘dir.‘, ‘ground’ instead of ‘G‘, ‘platform’ instead of ‘pl.’). The field MUST NOT contain any symbols (e.g. ->, <->, or ).

This MUST be suitable for people who have a visual impairment or use a screen reader or voice assistant (e.g. Amazon’s Alexa).

If only one description field can be used for technical reasons, then the written-out form MUST be given preference, because a short form can be generated from the long form more easily than the other way around.

This attribute SHOULD be used as aria-label-attribute in web content.


Official name of the company that manufactured the equipment.


Manufacturer serial number of the equipment / facility.

Intentionally not localizable to allow matching with other data, e.g. from manufacturer's own APIs.


Original source data for this equipment (for easier debugging)


ID of this equipment in the original data source. To simplify communication with the operator, it’s a good idea to use the operator facility management system ID here.


ID of the place that this equipment belongs to (unique in the original data source)


Live status update.

Reason why the equipment is not in operation. MUST be undefined if the equipment is in operation.


Place info ID that this equipment belongs to ( ID)


ID of the place data source that this equipment belongs to ( ID)


Live status update.

If isWorking is false, this is the planned date when the equipment will be in operation again.

MUST be undefined if the facility is currently in operation.


URLs of this equipment in external data sources, for example in GTFS, IMDF or other sources.


Object describing the seat of the equipment, or undefined if there is no seat.


Phone number where a service operator can be reached for help using this facility.


URL pointing to a website that describes the equipnent or it's current operational status.


Contains the same information as description, but in a shorter form, to save space on the screen. This CAN contain Unicode characters such as ⟷ or ↘︎ as well as abbreviations (e.g. ‘pl.’ instead of ‘platform’, ‘dir.’ instead of ‘direction’).


Data source ID on


Data import ID on


Live status update.

Information about the current state. If isWorking is true, this can show information about future planned maintenance or construction work rendering this facility unusable.

The text MUST NOT have abbreviations to be readable aloud by a screen reader or voice assistant.

This field SHOULD only be used if a separation into individual disorder attributes (state, outOfOrderReason) is not technically possible (e.g. when existing APIs can not be further developed and users are only given one text field to describe the problem.)


Live status update.

Date when the isWorking flag was updated by a realtime system.


Describes grab bars or hand rails.

The continuous property is required.


Indicates if the grab bars are continuous or not. Helpful for stair grab rails.


Indicates how far the bars are apart.


true if the grab bars can be folded, false if not..


true if there is a folding handle in front of the user, false if not.

Seen from the perspective

  • of somebody using a toilet
  • of somebody in front of stairs, facing upwards
  • of somebody in front of a door
interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

adjust findYourDestination foldDown foldUp localizeYourself

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


true if there is a folding handle on left side, false if not.

Seen from the perspective

  • of somebody using a toilet
  • of somebody in front of stairs, facing upwards
  • of somebody in front of a door

true if there is a folding handle on right side, false if not.

Seen from the perspective

  • of somebody using a toilet
  • of somebody in front of stairs, facing upwards
  • of somebody in front of a door

Indicates how high the grab bars are (top edge, measured from the floor).


Mixin to link InteractionMode objects to your model.

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:


Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


Many people with disabilities face barriers when interacting with places or things. These stem from the physical environment, the design of the object, or the way the interaction with the object or place is designed.

The Interactable model allows to describe how you can interact with a thing or engange in the key purposes of a place, and which abilities you need for this.

Attributes typically contain

  • barriers
  • means of interaction
  • required and optional abilities, experiences, or senses

This allows for UIs that adapt to the user's needs and abilities, or to provide usage descriptions that work for everyone.


Action modes that are absolutely necessary to facilitate the interaction, e.g. ‘pushing a button’.


Describes the output as human-readable text.


Input languages supported.


Describes which output is meant. Helpful if there are multiple outputs.


true if the interaction is optional, false if it is required.


Perception modes supported to facilitate the interaction.


false if the interaction is optional, true if it is required.


Describes a system to communicate over distance, e.g. a door intercom next to a doorbell.


The ambient noise level when using the intercom.


true if intercom system’s audio quality is good enough for understanding speech, false if not.


true if the door has an audio intercom system, false if not.


true if the door has a video intercom system, false if not.


true if the intercom system has a visual feedback, false if not. Visual feedback might be a screen or light that displays if a connection is established.

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

call close hangUp identify open ring

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


The height of the top control element of the intercom system.


true if you need to use a key pad to pass this door, false if not.


Describes a media unit provided at this place, for example an exhibit at a museum or a movie in a cinema.


Access modes supported by this equipment.


Access mode combinations that allow understanding and using the equipment.


The accessibility controls that allow controlling this equipment.


Indicates the access mode combinations that allow understanding and using the equipment.


Indicates the access mode combinations that allow understanding and using the equipment.


Is the media unit provided with audio description?


If the media unit is printed or on a screen, does it have high contrast between background and foreground?


Relevant for movies, screens and presentations: Is there a dedicated screen where subtitles can be read?


Is the media unit provided in a Plain Language option?


Does the media unit have real time captioning?


Is the media unit provided with subtitles?

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

browse close discover feel interact listen open read recognize rent watch

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


Is the media unit consumable as audio-only option?


Is the media unit consumable or described for Braille readers?


If the media unit is printed, is the print large?


Is the media tactile?


Specifies which languages (including sign languages) in which the media unit is provided


Name of the media unit (relevant if there are multiple units of the same kind)


URLs that contain the media. Use this to link data, for example with RDF.


If the media is consumed while the consumer is directly in front of it, this property specifies how much turning space there is in front of it.

typeOne of the following strings:

document exhibit form guide menu movie play presentation screen tour website

Type of the media unit


Describes a mirror.

heightFromGround and isAccessibleWhileSeated properties are required.


How far is the mirror's bottom from the ground?

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

adjust clean move turn use

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


true if the mirror is accessible while sitting in a wheelchair, false if not.


true if the mirror is located inside the restroom, false if not.


Mixin to link InteractionMode objects to your model.

forWheelchairUsersundefined | WheelchairParking
interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

arrive enterVehicle exitVehicle park

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


Describes one or multiple pathways inside a place.


true if the pathway is kerbstone-free, false if not.


Width constraints of all pathways inside a place relevant for consumers.


Width constraints of all pathways inside a place relevant for consumers.


The Payment interface describes the payment options at a location.



Describes necessary abilities and modes for interpreting information output, signals, or content.


Feedback force applied to the user.


The output is an activation/engagement signal.


Ambient noise level in dB(A) relative to a reference pressure of 0.00002 Pa. Median over a 10-second period at least.


The ambient temperature around the output.

animationOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output is animated.


The input API documentation URL.


Attention time span needed to understand the output.

audibleClickOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output has an acoustic click feedback.

audioDescriptionOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output has audio description.


true if the system’s audio quality is good enough for understanding speech, false if it is difficult.


Background output HTML colors (for example, the background behind a text or icon).

backgroundMusicOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

There is background music playing.

beepOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output uses one or more beeps as signal.

bingOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output uses one or more bing-like signals.


The output uses black and white colors.

brailleOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to read braille is supported or needed.

breathingOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The light looks like it is breathing.


The output's brightness.

buzzerOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output is using a buzzer / paging device.

byodOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

true if you can or have to perceive the content with a device that you own.

cableOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

A cable is supported or needed.

chartOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output uses one or more charts.


The output uses a discrete color code.


The output uses a color gradient.


Lists potential content warnings you have to expect here. User interfaces should not show the content warning directly, but should instead show a button to show the content warning.

dedicatedScreenForSubtitlesOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output has a dedicated screen for subtitles.


Describes the content/output/signal as human-readable text.


Time interval in which the output is active.


Education level needed to understand the output.

  • early childhood education (level 0)
  • primary education (level 1)
  • lower secondary education (level 2)
  • upper secondary education (level 3)
  • postsecondary non-tertiary education (level 4)
  • short-cycle tertiary education (level 5)
  • bachelor’s or equivalent level (level 6)
  • master’s or equivalent level (level 7)
  • doctor or equivalent level (level 8).
flashOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output is a flashing light.


true if the output is a flashing hazard, false if there is explicitly no flashing hazard and someone / something ensures this. This can be relevant for people with epilepsy.


Font size used in the output.


Feedback force applied to the user.

forceFeedbackOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The content/output/signal has active force feedback.


Foreground output HTML colors (for example, the text or icon color).


The framerate of animations.


The frequency of the output, for tones or flashes.

fullBodyOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The content/output/signal affects your full body.

handwrittenOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The content is handwritten.

hapticOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output is haptic.

hapticClickOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output has a haptic click feedback.

headphoneOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

Headphones are supported or needed.

heatOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

Heat perception is supported or needed.


The output is displayed in high contrast.


URL describing how to make use of the content/output/signal.


true if the input is easy to find.


true if the input is easy to understand, false if people might face difficulties trying to understand how the input works, or undefined if this is unknown or irrelevant.


Content languages supported.

ledOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output is an LED.

lightOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output is a light.

morseOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output uses morse code.

musicOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output uses music.


Describes which output is meant. Helpful if there are multiple signals/outputs/content lements.


How tall do you have to be to perceive the content/output/signal.


The height you need to grip to perceive the content/output/signal.

needsHighConcentrationOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output needs high concentration to understand.

numbersOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output uses one or more numbers.


true if the perception is optional, false if it is required.

paperOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output is displayed on a paper.

pictogramsOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output uses one or more pictograms.

pitchedToneOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output uses a pitched tone as signal.

plainLanguageOptionOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output has a plain language option.

printerOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output is from a printer.

provisionalHearingAidOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The perceiving person uses a provisional hearing aid, e.g. a stethoscope, a smartphone, or a headset with a microphone that amplifies the sound or speech.

qrCodeOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

A QR code is supported or needed.

radioOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

A radio connection is supported or needed (e.g. WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, etc.)

readOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to read is supported or needed.

realTimeCaptioningOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output has realtime captioning.


false if the perception is required to make use of the main function of the described object, true if it is required.

rhythmicOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output is rhythmic.

screenOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output is displayed on a screen.

signLanguageOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to understand sign language is supported or needed.

smellOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to smell is supported or needed.

soundOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output is acoustic.


The content/output/signal has active vibration feedback.

speechOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The ability to understand speech is supported or needed.


true if the output is usually static and does not change over time, false if it is dynamic and changes over time.

stethoscopeOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The perceiving person uses a stethoscope.

This is method for patient communication that is used by doctors to speak to patients with hearing impairments:

British doctors recommend using the stethoscope as a hearing aid for patients in such situations (BMJ 2010; 341: c4672). If the patient has the buttons in his ear and the physician speaks softly and clearly into the diaphragm as into a microphone, then sufficient communication is often possible despite hearing problems. The intimacy of the conversation can be preserved by this simple means.


subtitlesOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output has subtitles.

tactileOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output is tactile.

tactileGuidesOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output has tactile guides, for example around buttons.

tasteOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

Tasting something is supported or needed.


Technology combinations that are sufficient to make use of the content/output/signal.


Technologies that are sufficient to make use of the content/output/signal.


The temperature of the output.

urgencyOne of the following strings:

alarm alert announcement debug info warning

Urgency of the content when perceived.


URL where you can see or make use of the content/output/signal, e.g. on your phone.

vibrationOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The content/output/signal has active vibration feedback.

visualOne of the following strings:

always discouraged forbidden impossible notApplicable notAvailable notNecessary optional possible recommended required sometimes unknown usually

The output is visual.


Describes a person. This exists only to transform data from sources where no physical attributes of places have been captured as data directly. It's better to describe physical attributes of places and let people decide themselves which facilities they need or which place condition works for them.


true for a person that is blind.


true for a person that has a guide dog.


true for a person that has a hearing impairment.


true for a person that has a learning impairment.


true for a person that has a mobility impairment.


true for a person that is inable to speak.


true for a person that has a visual impairment.


true for a person that uses a wheelchair.


The PlaceInfo interface describes a physical location with added accessibility properties.

geometry and properties properties are required.


The format version this place info document was created with (Uses the npm module version from package.json) Not used right now, but added for future compatibility.


The physical location of the place in WGS84 coordinates. Currently only a GeoJSON PointGeometry is supported.


Holds additional place properties such as name and category and accessibility information


Properties of a place of interest.

The category property is required.

accessArray of one or more of these strings:

customers delivery designated disabled emergency employees no permissive permit private public residents yes

Defines who this restroom is for. See for more information.

accessibilityundefined | Accessibility

The accessibility of this place. null indicates that this place has no data, undefined or missing property indicates unknown.

addressundefined | StructuredAddress

The address of this place. null indicates that this place has no address, undefined or missing property indicates unknown.


Category name of the place


Text description containing helpful information for people with disabilities.


URL of the original data source’s website on a subpage that allows to edit the original data.


Email address of the place's operator where you can get accessibility relevant information.

ids Object with one or more of these keys:


Values must be of type string.

IDs in other data sources that are linked to this equipment, indexed by schema/context.


URL of the original data source’s website describing this place.


The official name of this place.


Original source data for this equipment (for easier debugging)


ID of this place of interest in the original data source. To simplify communication with the data provider, it’s a good idea to use the provider's internal ID here.


The parent's place ID in the original dataset from the data provider.


ID of the parent place that this place belongs to.


Source ID of the parent place that this place belongs to. This is usually the same ID as sourceId, but the parent place can be from another data provider.


Phone number to call a representant of the place's operator.


URL of the place’s own website.


URLs of this equipment in external data sources, for example in GTFS, IMDF or other sources.


ID of the data source that provided the place ( ID)


ID of the import that created this place ( ID)

tags Object with one or more of these keys:


Values must be of type string.

Tags that are not part of the schema, but are still useful for the data consumer.

  • If a OSM place is described, the tags are the OSM tags.
  • If a GTFS place is described, the tags are the GTFS fields.
  • If a IMDF place is described, the tags are the IMDF fields.
  • If a custom place is described, the tags are the custom fields.
  • If a place is described by a combination of multiple sources, the tags are the union of all fields.


GeoJSON Point object.

coordinates and type properties are required.

coordinates*tuple with 2 number elements


Describes a quantity of a unit type.


± in given units, uniform error.


maximal value (inclusive)


minimal value (inclusive)

operatorOne of the following strings:

!= < <= = == > >= ~ ~=

the operator, indicating the value is not an absolute value


± in given units, uniform error


raw, imported value, eg. '90 .. 120cm' - only required when importing


one of the length units in js-quantities


the value in the specified unit


Describes a system that encourages or forces people to queue up.


true if you can skip the queue with a disability, false if not.


Grab bars inside the queueing system, if applicable.


true if the queueing system announces the next person in line visually, false if not.

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

arrive checkIn checkOut enqueue getOnesTurn getTicket leaveQueue skipQueue wait

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


true if the queueing uses tickets (usually numbered), false if not.


Number of queue server points.


Number of seats that can be used by people while waiting in the queue.


true if the queueing uses rails / cattle bars, false if not.


Describes a Room that contains one or more Toilets or Showers.

accessArray of one or more of these strings:

customers delivery designated disabled emergency employees no permissive permit private public residents yes

Defines who this room is for. See for more information.


Object describing the entrance to this room.


Object describing the entrance to this room.


true if there is a bath tub in this room, false if not, undefined if condition is unknown.


true if the restroom has a ceiling hoist, false if not.


true if the restroom has a changing table for adults, false if not.


true if the restroom has a changing table for babies, false if not.


true if the restroom has an emergency pull string, false if not.


true if the restroom has a mirror, false if not.


true if the restroom has a shower, false if not.


true if there support rails on the walls


At which height from the floor is the drier or towel?


At which height from the floor is the soap?

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

callEmergency closeWindow enter exit lookAround openWindow play see sit sleep stand storeThings wait

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


true if the room's relevant facilities are completely accessible while using a wheelchair, false if not, undefined if the condition is unknown or difficult to assess.


Describes a mirror, if existing.


Object describing a shower inside this restroom, if existing.

signIconsArray of one or more of these strings:

allGender baby changingTable family female male personInWheelchair toiletBowl urinal washBasin

Visible icons on the restroom’s sign


Object describing a toilet inside the restroom, if existing.


How wide is the space inside that you can use for turning?


Defines how much you have to pay to use this restroom. There might be multiple fee amounts, e.g. for different access types or usage times.


Object describing a wash basin belonging to this restroom. It can be outside of the restroom.


Describes a room inside a structure.

accessArray of one or more of these strings:

customers delivery designated disabled emergency employees no permissive permit private public residents yes

Defines who this room is for. See for more information.


Object describing the entrance to this room.


Object describing the entrance to this room.


true if there support rails on the walls

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

callEmergency closeWindow enter exit lookAround openWindow play see sit sleep stand storeThings wait

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


true if the room's relevant facilities are completely accessible while using a wheelchair, false if not, undefined if the condition is unknown or difficult to assess.


How wide is the space inside that you can use for turning?


Describes one or multiple seats / chairs / benches / stools / couches / sofas / armchairs / ...

adjustmentAxesArray of one or more of these strings:

axial coronal sagittal

The seat can be adjusted in the following axes.

adjustmentDirectionsArray of one or more of these strings:

backward clockwise counterclockwise down forward left right up

The seat can be adjusted in the following directions.


The seat column numbers. This is only for seats in a fixed seating arrangement.


Name of the entrance (helpful if there are multiple entrances).


How high is the desk? For variable-height desks, use minimalHeight and maximalHeight instead.

This can be used to determine if a wheelchair user can sit at the desk.


The seat has an adjustable seating surface.


The seat has a headrest.


The seat has removable armrests.


The seat has a seatbelt.

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

adjust adjustArmRests adjustBackRest adjustFootRest adjustHeadRest adjustHeight adjustLegRest adjustSeatBelt adjustSeatBeltAngle adjustSeatBeltHeight adjustSeatBeltLength adjustSeatBeltLock adjustSeatBeltPosition adjustSeatBeltTension adjustSeatingAngle adjustSeatingSurface connectSeatbelt fold move removeArmrests sit unfold

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.

intercomundefined | Intercom

Information about an intercom at this seat, if applicable.

null indicates there is no intercom.


The seat is located at the center of the seating arrangement, laterally.


The seat is fixed.


The seat can be folded.


The seat is located at the front row of the seating arrangement.


The seat is located at the last row of the seating arrangement.


The seat is mobile.


The seat is wheelchair accessible.


How high is the desk maximally? This is only for variable-height desks. Use fixedHeight for fixed-height desks. This can be used to determine if a wheelchair user can sit at the desk.


How high is the desk minimally? This is only for variable-height desks. Use fixedHeight for fixed-height desks. This can be used to determine if a wheelchair user can sit at the desk.


Name of the entrance (helpful if there are multiple entrances).

paymentundefined | Payment

Information about payment at this seat or the cost of using this seat.

null indicates there is no payment possible/required.


The seat is reserved for persons with the given profile.


The seat row numbers. This is only for seats in a fixed seating arrangement.


The number of seatbelt points.


How much space is there in front of the desk? This can be used to determine if a wheelchair user can sit at the desk.


Describes a shower.


Ergonomic handles inside the shower.


true if the shower has a seat, false if not..


true if the shower has support rails, false if not.

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

transfer useConditioner useShampoo useShowerCurtain useShowerGel useShowerHead useSoap useSupport wash

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


Describes the shower seat, if existing.



Describes a signage / physical navigation system belonging to a location.


A description of the signage.


The height of the font used on the signage. Most likely in millimeters, using a range.


true if the signage has audio, false if not.


true if the signage has braille, false if not.


true if the signage uses a numbering scheme, false if not, undefined if condition is unknown.


true if the signage has pictograms, false if not.


true if the signage has raised letters, false if not.


true if the signage has a search function, false if not, undefined if condition is unknown.


true if the signage has tactile guide strips, false if not, undefined if condition is nknown.


true if the signage has tactile hand rails, false if not, undefined if condition is unknown.


true if the signage has a tactile map, false if not.


true if the signage has tactile north markers, false if not, undefined if condition is unknown.


true if the signage has tactile paving, false if not.


true if the signage has tactile room names, false if not, undefined if condition is unknown.


true if the signage has text features, false if not.


true if the signage has video, false if not.


true if the signage has a virtual map, false if not.


true if the signage has high legibility, false if not.

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

findYourDestination locateYourself useSitemap

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


true if the signage has high contrast, false if not.


Describes the presence of staff and their qualifications and/or provided services.


true if the staff has means to see visitors from the inside at all times when the place is open (for example a window or CCTV system), false if not.


true if there is an assistant for the duration of the visit that is free of charge, false if not.


Languages that the staff speaks, including sign language variants.

Uses IETF language codes.



The Stairs interface describes one or more walkable stairs.


You SHOULD reference alternative equipment IDs with this field, for example elevators, escalators, or hoists.


Number of steps.


Floor numbers that are accessible via these stairs.


Grab bars belonging to the stairs.


true if all relevant steps are made with anti-slip material.


true if there is braille navigation in this staircase, false if not.


true if there is a handrail covering all relevant steps, false if not.


true if all relevant steps have a high contrast nosing.


Do the stairs have metal grating? This is difficult to navigate for people with assistance dogs.


true if all relevant steps have tactile safety surfaces, used as warnings, implying textures detectable with the touch of a foot or sweep of a cane.


true if there is tactile navigation in this staircase, false if not.


true if the stairs are spiral, false if not.


Are the stairs and podests well lit?


If there are multiple staircase, you SHOULD indicate a name for this staircase here.


Indicates how high the steps if these stairs are (can be a range).


The address of a places as Address as a series of structured attributes.


An array of named areas below the district and above street. In some regions such areas might also contain street names, when individual street segments have names separate from the name of the whole road.


Building name


The name of the primary locality of the place.


A three-letter country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3, see


A division of a state; typically a secondary-level administrative division of a country or equivalent.


A division of city; typically an administrative unit within a larger city or a customary name of a city's neighborhood.


House or street number.


Relative in relation to other levels. 0 for ground level must have index 0, 1 for first level, etc. You can use half numbers for levels like 1.5.


Name of the level. Example: { en: "Floor 1" }, { en: "Ground level" }.


An alphanumeric string included in a postal address to facilitate mail sorting (a.k.a. post code, postcode, or ZIP code).


For address conventions where more than to levels of named areas above the city level are in use, the regions attribute provides an array with all additional area names, ordered by decreasing size (starting with the highest subdivision below state)


Room name. Example: { en: "Meeting room ‘Rome’" }.


Room number. Example: { en: "B-101" }.


A division of a country; typically a first-level administrative division of a country and/or a geographical region.


A code/abbreviation for the state division of a country.


Street name (in practice may also contain street number).


A displayable, formatted address as rich text.


Describes the surface of a ground or path.

smoothnessOne of the following strings:

bad excellent good horrible impassable intermediate very_bad very_good very_horrible

According to


Turning space that this ground provides to people.

typesArray of one or more of these strings:

acrylic aluminium anti-slip artificial artificial_grass artificial_turf asfalto ash asphalt astroturf bamboo bare_rock bark barkchips bedrock bitumen bituminous block boardwalk boulders brick brick_weave bricks bushes carpet cement chalk chipseal cinder clay cobblestone compacted compacted_gravel composite con concrete concrete_slab concrete_slabs construction coral coral_sand crushed_limestone crushed_shells debris decoturf dirt earth enrobé fine_gravel fine_sand flagstone footway glass goudron granite grass grass_paver grass_scrub grassland grating gravel green grit ground hardcore ice ice_road interlock iron laterite lawn leaves limerock limestone linoleum loose_gravel marble marble_plate meadow metal metal_grid mixed moss mud mulch native natural none oil overgrown path paved pavement paving paving_stone paving_stones peat pebbles pebblestone plank plastic plates rasin residential rock rocks rocky roman_paving rubber rubbercrumb rubble salt sand sandstone sawdust scree scrub sealed sett shell shells shingle slabs snow soil spur steel stepping_stones stone stones synthetic tactile_paving tar tared tarmac tartan terra terre tile tiles timber track trail trees tuff turf undefined unhewn_cobblestone unpaved unpaved2 unpaved33 unpaved_minor unsealed water wood wood_chips woodchips zebra

According to


Describes a combination of technologies that are used together to achieve a specific goal.

The uris property is required.


Localizable description of the combination. Can describe in which mode or for what goal the tech is used.


Localizable name/title of the combination. Can describe in which mode or for what goal the tech is used.


URIs of technologies that are combined together to form this tech combination. Use RDF if possible.

Supported prefix examples:


Describes a single toilet that can be inside a restroom or cabin.


Indicates how far the flush mechanism(s) from the toilet, from the perspective of a the floor plan. If the flush mechanism is right behind the toilet, this is a 0 length.


Object describing the grab bars.


true if the toilet is automatically flushing after use.


Indicates the height of the toilet’s base.

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

flush secondaryFlush spray use

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


Indicates whether the toilet is a latrine.


Indicates whether the toilet is a squat toilet.


Indicates whether the toilet is a urinal.


How much space is in front of the toilet?


How much space is on the left side of the toilet? (from the perspective of somebody using the toilet)


How much space is on the right side of the toilet? (from the perspective of somebody using the toilet)


Describes a wash basin.


true if the wash basin is accessible with wheelchairs, false if not.


Defines at which height is the wash basin's top

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

changeTemperature changeWaterPressure getCarbonizedWater getColdWater getHotWater getPaperTowel getTowel sanitizeHands useAirDryer useSoap useWater useWaterJet useWaterSpray

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


true if the restroom's wash basin is inside the cabin, false if not.


How deep is the space below the wash basin?


How high is the space below the wash basin?


Describes one or more wheelchair parking lots.


Defines many wheelchair accessible parking lots are provided


How far away is the parking from the main entrance? If there is a separate wheelchair entrance, the distance to this entrance MUST be used.


true if there is dedicated signage at all relevant turning points from the street to the parking, false if not, undefined if this is unknown.

interactions Object with one or more of these keys:

arrive enterVehicle exitVehicle park

Values must be of type InteractionMode.

An object that indicates how the object can be interacted with, or how you can engange in the main function of a place or thing.

The keys of this object are the interaction types, and the values are InteractionMode objects.


true if the parking is inside a building or under a roof, false if not, undefined if unknown.


Length constraint of the parking lots.


Describes where the parking is located.


Maximal allowed vehicle height for users of this parking.


List of permit names that allow using this parking.


Width constraint of the parking lots.


The WheelchairPlaces interface describes the presence of reserved spots for wheelchairs.


The number of designated places for wheelchairs, for example, in a cinema or theater.


Is there additional space for an assistant?


The number of people using a wheelchair that can be accomodated at the same time. Use this when there is no designated space for wheelchair users, but the number is known.


Describes the presence of staff and their qualifications and/or provided services.

accessArray of one or more of these strings:

customers delivery designated disabled emergency employees no permissive permit private public residents yes

Describes who can access the wifi.


Describes where you get the login data / guest pass.


true if the wifi has a captive portal website.


true if the wifi has a fixed password. Knowing this password must be enough to enter and use the wifi.


true if the wifi captive portal is accessible (WAI/ARIA).


true if the wifi is open to everyone, false if it is explicitly not.


true if the wifi is open to explicit place staff, false if explicitly not.


true if the wifi is open to explicit place visitors, false if explicitly not.


true if you need a personalized guest pass / code / password to use the wifi, false if not.


A string with the Wifi password. Only use this attribute if security allows to publish this info online publicly.


A string with the Wifi name (SSID). Only use this attribute if security allows to publish this info online publicly.


Describes if you need to pay a usage fee to use the wifi, or if no fee is needed.